Why You Should Exercise When Your Mind Feels Overwhelmed

We’ve all been there: your mind is full of work, home responsibilities, or a never-ending to-do list. And on top of that, you still have to find time to exercise… Everything can feel like too much, and the couch with a bag of chips seems like the perfect hiding spot. Maybe you just want to stay in bed longer in the morning. But this approach won’t help you in the long run. Often, you end up feeling even more tired and less energetic the next day. In the end, it’s a form of hiding.

Comfort food and escaping

When you’re stressed, it’s tempting to reach for comfort food and watch TV. Hiding away with some chips might feel like a quick fix, but it won’t give you energy. Your problems will still be there, and that feeling of tiredness will only get worse. You’ll stay stuck in a cycle without improving.

Why exercise is the solution

Instead of hiding, it’s better to choose movement. Exercising may seem hard when you’re feeling overwhelmed, but it has huge benefits. When you move, your body releases endorphins, also known as the “happy hormones.” This helps you feel better and clears your mind.

More energy through exercise

After an hour of exercise, you often feel more energized. Your blood circulation improves, which helps you use your energy more effectively. Instead of losing energy by sitting on the couch, you get an energy boost from moving. This not only helps reduce your stress, but also helps you see your problems in a new light.

Building more work capacity

The more you train, the greater your work capacity becomes. Work capacity is the amount of energy you have each day to live your life and get the most out of it. Over time, you can build a work capacity where your daily routine feels like a walk in the park.

Getting over the hurdle

It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise, especially when you’re stressed or tired. It might feel like you don’t have the energy to start. But once you’re moving, you’ll thank yourself. Even if you give 50% or even 25%, it’s better than doing nothing. If you skip, it will be even easier to postpone next time, and before you know it, you’ll stop exercising altogether. Don’t let your mind win over your willpower!

Think in steps and take the first one

Lower the hurdle by breaking it down into smaller steps. For example, if you want to train with us, your first step is to book a “No Sweater Intro.” This is a 30-minute, no-obligation chat with one of our team members over a cup of coffee. We’ll talk about your goals, what obstacles you face, and how to best get started with us. After this conversation, you’ll take the next step, whether it’s with us or somewhere else. The most important thing for you is to take that first step.

Choose yourself

The next time you feel overwhelmed and are tempted to hide with snacks or stay in bed, remind yourself that movement is the solution. Exercise gives you back the energy you need and helps you organize your thoughts. Choose to move, and in the long term, you’ll become physically and mentally stronger.

So, instead of choosing the hard path, make it easier on yourself and take that first step to start moving.

Book a free, no-obligation intro session with one of our coaches. We’re here to help!

Jeroen Van Duijn
Co-owner & Founder

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